Sunday, October 28, 2007

Stereo Foutmelding F61

Sometimes They Come Back ...

Mary. The last memory I had of her was a girl of three, four, shorty, plump and blonde, who ran after me down the porch with boogers on the finger. I escaped disgusted: I have always had weak stomach for these things, and that was really huge boogers. At the end of the porch I hid behind a door ajar to try to escape. She saw me, stopped and stood there in front of your finger - and boogers - in the mouth. Then he ran away, leaving me to challenge the property retching. I
magazine Friday, after fifteen years. The first image that came to mind again in recognition was that girl who ran after me with the boogers on the finger. Then, the flow of thought has gone where it was right to go: straight to Pamela Anderson in Baywatch.
As personnel change in fifteen years ...
And you, what were the meetings in style CarrĂ  that there were more impressed?
ps Flesh news items: We are working for you at the new blog (or perhaps the new blog?) signed inparallel ... For the moment the nature of these creatures of the night remains a state secret!